Come Join Us!

Guidelines for Becoming a Member of The Optimist Club of San Antonio

  1. Attend a luncheon meeting.

  2. Ask an Optimist member to sponsor you for membership; or perhaps a member has already asked you to join.

  3. Once you have indicated that you wish to become a member of THE WORLD'S GREATEST OPTIMIST CLUB, your sponsor will present a recommendation to the Board of Directors for approval.

  4. After the Board has approved the recommendation, your sponsor will notify you ask you to fill out a membership form. The membership process is finalized upon your return of the completed form and payment of the application fee, plus either one month or one quarter's dues.

  5. A formal induction into the club will follow shortly, which will give the entire membership an opportunity to greet you as a new member.

THE OPTIMIST CLUB OF SAN ANTONIO is made up of men and women who recognize the need for and the value of community service. Membership, by invitation or application only, is composed of people of good character and community standing, who care to give something of themselves to help others. As a civic organization, our goal is to have a positive impact on the lives of today's youth.

Our luncheon meetings feature a variety of invited speakers addressing local and national issues, topics of interest to the business community and programs of entertainment. Social activities include golf and seasonal family events. 

Contact Us:

P.O. Box 120276
San Antonio, Texas 78212-9476

Optimist Club of San Antonio members socializing & having fun!